October 17, 2024

Building A Marriage, A Home, and A Community

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated our listeners on the status of our personal build. We’ve been busy working through the design and approval phases, which, while expected to take about 90 days, stretched out to a year due to regulatory hurdles and general complacency. Frustrating? Absolutely. But sometimes, all we can do is wait.

We purchased a little over six acres, surrounded by two adjacent six-acre parcels that cannot be developed any further. One is zoned for residential agriculture, and the other consists of ponds feeding into a creek. Behind us, we’re lucky to have approximately 40 acres of wooded wetlands. 

Our lot includes four acres of these wetlands, with two acres of developable “dry” land. We bought the property without any prior approvals, so our first task was to secure a wetlands waiver and confirm the soil was suitable for a septic system. We hired an engineer, ecologist, and septic specialist to work through these steps. After completing the delineation, survey, and perk test, we submitted everything to the DEP.

The DEP took a full year to grant the wetlands waiver—not because of any missing information or issues on our end, but simply due to the slow pace of the process. Originally, the wetlands area came with a 300-foot buffer, which made the lot unbuildable. Our waiver reduced this buffer to 50 feet, allowing us a disturbance limit of about two acres. This area is already mostly cleared and relatively flat. The driveway is also partly defined, with a basic construction apron installed. Next, we’ll be finalizing the home design, laying out the site plan for the house, shop, driveway, and septic system, and preparing a grading plan. From there, we can apply for jurisdictional approvals and permits.

We’ve chosen to work with an online design firm, Design with Frank, for our house plans. They offer affordable, customizable options for modest homes, and we’re thrilled with our decision. Once our plan is finalized, I plan to do a podcast episode on the design process, the company, and the modifications we’re making. We’re beyond excited to move forward, and I can’t wait to start construction. Stay tuned for updates on the design!

Over the next 4-5 months, I’ll be focusing on building partnerships, finalizing the scope, securing financing, and putting everything in place to get this project rolling. My goal—though ambitious—is to generate enough content with partners to allow me to focus on this build full-time and offset the costs of stepping away from direct client work. I’m not sure it’ll pan out, but if I put it in writing, there’s at least some accountability. Maybe I can will it into existence!=

And now, a question for you: What content would you find most valuable? Do you want to see more on design, budgeting, feasibility, or the construction process itself? Your input will help me craft content that is educational and valuable for you, our listeners.

As always, thank you for your support on this journey. I’m learning so much, and I can’t wait to share it with you. If there’s anything specific you’d like to know or learn about, please reach out. I hope to make this experience as educational and inspirational as possible for all involved!